After a long exhaustive fourth inspection with the same clients on the same property over two weeks we had become long lost friends and the deal was imminent, smiles all round and l am virtually helping mum, dad, aunties, grandma, grandpa, dog, cat and budgie move into the property.

On the fourth inspection they brought an adviser along. John (Dr No.).  A pleasant man, of large stature and intimidating.

We started discussing the previous three inspections and the process moving forward. Dr No started questioning me on the previous inspections and questioned me on my local knowledge. Now l might think l can walk on water sometimes, but l probably could talk under water but Dr No was a deep water talker, far in excess of my talking abilities.

The questions were flowing at a constant pace, l answered as best l could only to be cut short in mid stream with, No that’s not right, No you can’t do that, No that’s against council regs, No the land is not suited to that, No  the distance from Melbourne is X, No the house is not that big, No the house is older than that.

I started to shorten my answers to get my point across, without success, so l then started to listen without answering his questions and then a wonderful thing happened, he started to answer his own questions –  A truly wonderful experience.

He started to talk himself and his clients into the property purchase. Now l know the meaning of SILENCE IS GOLDEN. On one of the previous inspections with the same clients, there was a price offered and refused. Dr No knew about this offer.

Just before getting into their car the adviser gave me an offer that was below the previous offer from his clients, my response was NO. Driving away from the property looking in the rear view mirror the sight of the adviser pondering my response of NO.

Later that afternoon Dr No Rang me with an offer the vendors would accept my answer was YES!

The moral of the story for me was to put aside my instinct to defend myself, because I was never going to win an arguement with Dr No. And, always stick to my guns, because I was working for the vendor, to get them the best and fairest price.


Old Dog