EASY FLIP. When flipping houses people sometimes get carried away and the budget blows out. Start from the footpath and work your way through garden and sheds and then into house, one work area at a time. Restump where needed This will give you structured flow through the work in progress and you won’t get overwhelmed with different work areas. Tools will be in one central point for easy access. Time saving for yourself and tradespeople is a huge factor with your budget You may find things in yard and sheds that belong to the house. One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.

Everybody who buys a house wants to put there stamp on the property, it’s their blank canvas. House flipping can be done with any house in any street in any neighbourhood. Buy house and look for the features that can be cleaned up and shown in a better light.

Fresh plain colours so the next person can easily stamp their own character on the house. Expose floors to reveal floor boards or slab these floors can be polished. Cover chipboard with timber, tiles and or good wearing light coloured carpet.

Clean and sand timber doors, window, cupboards and  door frames. Sanded timber even if not painted gives a rustic appeal ready for the next persons creation. Make sure all doors, windows and cupboards close and open with ease. Uncluttered gardens. Expose, repair and clean old paths.

Treat the out buildings the same as the house. Repair and highlight street number on house. A nice letter box is like a stamp on a envelope. Mow front nature strip and repair footpath, first impressions arriving at house sets the scene for things to come. Clean windows inside and out, this will lighten up home for easy working conditions and buyer appreciation of home. Repair and paint interior and exterior walls where needed. Avoid pulling out walls. Some people like small rooms, others like open areas. Repair old fittings eg. Taps, door handles power points and switches Final comment:



Old dog