Obsticle course

On a recent inspection on a farm with clients we had to walk through the 64 acres divided into about 15 paddocks and the clients wanted soil samples from each paddock.

Shovel in hand and clients following me – their leader. It was a warm day and the night before l had shaved my head. I had no land plans of the paddocks showing where all the gates were and no hat,

My strategy to save time in navigating the paddocks was to climb fences with the troops in tow, the clients were much younger and more agile than l. They followed their leader over and through the first few fences, l dug holes in the paddocks and because the paddocks were dry the digging was a display of me jumping up and landing on the shovel to penetrate the soil.

The youngest of the troups/cloents offered to assist, because of my ego and two ladies watching, l persisted until l was moving but not lucent. About halfway through the campaign, we came to a higher-than-normal fence that must have been built by a piano tuner.

Straddled atop the top wire and post, no acceptance of assistance from the troops my situation was precarious. Knowing l would topple l made a executive decision to save face, l commando rolled out of the situation.

On the ground looking up at the troops who’s concern on their faces was apparent. Because of the corona virus assistance was not forthcoming and l wasn’t going to accept. One of the troops commented ” people of your you get a bit top heavy” l levered myself to an unsteady standing position resisting to groan with pain, dusted myself off and delegated the shovel to the younger member who made the comment. I proceeded to follow the troops to complete the mission from the rear of the column.

On returning to the house (base camp) the vendor who must have been watching our campaign came to the front door and offered me a cold bottle of water and said, “are you ok”? Gathering my thoughts and assessing the situation l asked the clients were they interested in the property and would they like to make an offer?  They said “no” the property was to large. Battle lost, the campaign goes on

Old Dog